Scientists Explored Hydrogen Forests—and May Have Uncovered Hidden Dark Matter

POPULAR MECHANICS - Scientists have combined a powerful simulator with data about the universe to explain a large discrepancy in our understanding. The simulation suite, called PRIYA, debuted last year and is helping scientists study a special phenomenon of hydrogen atoms in deep outer space. Now, in a new study, PRIYA has enabled scientists from...
By Caroline Delbert | Popular Mechanics |

New Map Of "Hydrogen Forest" Supports The Existence Of Dark Matter

IFLSCIENCE - A team of astrophysicists have mapped the “Lyman-Alpha Forest", and provided further supporting evidence that galaxy and galaxy cluster formations are better explained by dark matter than alternative theories. While observing the universe, astronomers found that galaxies and galaxy clusters don't behave in the way we would expect. In short, stars at the...
By James Felton | IFLScience |

Scientists Analyzing Deep Space "Forest" to Map Dark Matter

YAHOO UK - Dark matter, the invisible substance believed to account for over 80 percent of the universe's mass, is not an easy thing to detect. We can see its gravitational pull on visible matter, however — which makes hydrogen, as the most common element out there, a prime candidate to watch for those interactions...
By Frank Landymore | Yahoo UK |

Physicists Think Dark Matter May Be Responsible for ‘Hydrogen Forest’

GIZMODO - Using a supercomputer, a team of physicists has confirmed a discrepancy between observations of the universe and theoretical predictions about its structure. The team used PRIYA, a suite of simulations that takes optical light data from two surveys to refine cosmological parameters, to determine constraints on measurements of the universe and its evolution...
By Isaac Schultz | Gizmodo |
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