California Mountain Towns Are Too Risky for Insurers, but Residents Want to Stay

THE NEW YORK TIMES - The snow-blanketed peaks, fishing holes and cool alpine air of the San Bernardino Mountains have beckoned Southern Californians for generations. As far back as the 1880s, travelers braved a 6,000-foot climb in horse-drawn carriages to reach the pine forests that now surround the resort towns of Lake Arrowhead and Big...
By Soumya Karlamangla | The New York Times |

Did climate change make the 3 Southern California wildfires worse?

THE MERCURY NEWS - Climate change didn’t light the match, but it likely set the stage for the Airport, Bridge and Line fires to burn fiercely and aggressively throughout Southern California, say academics and the head of an environmental group. As of Friday afternoon, Sept. 13, the three blazes had consumed more than 113,000 acres...
By Jeff Horseman | The Mercury News |

Alien-hunters given 3D space map showing where extraterrestrials may be hiding

THE U.S. SUN - Scientists have created a 3D illustration charting a list of nearby stars that may be hosting "habitable" alien worlds. They used data from Nasa's Chandra X-ray Observatory to identify these planets. It involved finding stars that are close enough to Earth that we could use future telescopes to take images of...
By Sean Keach | U.S. Sun |

These nearby star systems could be good targets in the search for alien life

LIVE SCIENCE - NASA's Chandra X-ray space telescope has created a three-dimensional map of stars close to the sun that may help astronomers search for alien planets that could host life. The map created by Chandra — which just celebrated 25 years in orbit but is facing a troubling budget crunch — could inform scientists...
By Robert Lea | Live Science |

The Salton Sea is now smelly all year long and making people's asthma worse. The culprit? Bacteria

LOS ANGELES TIMES - Five years ago, Lisa Clark and her husband left her hometown of El Centro for Niland, a small town of 500, in search for more affordable housing. But now they’re paying a hidden cost for living just two miles southeast of the Salton Sea. “I’ve been having very bad asthma lately,”...
By Lila Seidman | LA Times |

‘Fire clouds’ from super-hot wildfires are on the rise as Earth warms

NATURE - The monstrous fires that are now charring vast areas of western North America aren’t just colossal and fast-moving, they have also created their own thunderstorms — an example of exotic fire behavior that scientists say is becoming more common as the climate changes. Both the Park Fire, which has burnt more than 160,000...
By Brian Owens | Nature |

6 Exoplanets in our Universe That Could Support Life Other Than Earth

DISCOVER MAGAZINE - Beyond Earth's blue skies stretches a universe full of possibilities, including countless stars with planets that might support life. While Earth is the only known host of life, astronomers have identified several exoplanets that could potentially support it. "An exoplanet is a planet that orbits a star other than our Sun,” explains...
By Anna Nordseth | Discover Magazine |

This stinks: Salton Sea now emitting bad smells year round. Here's why

THE DESERT SUN - Humidity, hot winds and the decaying Salton Sea have long been been a recipe for nostril and stomach misery during the summer across large swaths of the eastern Coachella Valley. But now, an analysis of 20 years worth of records by a UC Riverside laboratory shows a disturbing new trend: The...
By Janet Wilson | Palm Springs Desert Sun |

An ancient partnership: Co-evolution of Earth environments and microbial life

NASA - NASA-supported scientists have examined the long and intricately linked history of microbial life and the Earth's environment. By reviewing the current state of knowledge across fields like microbiology, molecular biology, and geology, the study looks at how microorganisms have both shaped and been shaped by chemical properties of our planet's oceans, land, and...
By Aaron Gronstal | NASA |

How cleaning up shipping cut pollution — and warmed the planet

GRIST - Michael Diamond thought he’d have to wait until this year, at least, to have enough data to understand how a shipping regulation aimed at curbing pollution affected the clouds that deck the ocean. “They’re so variable. They’re so wispy. They’re so ever, ever changing,” he said. “So you really often need a lot...
By Syris Valentine | Grist |
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