Airborne plastic chemicals have reached shocking levels

EARTH.COM - Every day, we are unknowingly exposed to a multitude of chemicals. Among these are a group of toxic airborne chemicals known as plasticizers. If you think these are limited to children’s toys, beauty products, or even plastic bags, think again. These robust substances are everywhere, from your lunchbox to your shower curtain, and...
By Sanjana Gajbhiye | |

California Airborne Toxin Levels 'Through the Roof,' Study Warns

NEWSWEEK - Toxic airborne chemicals known as plasticizers could be making their way into our nostrils on a daily basis, scientists have warned. Exposure to these chemicals has been associated with fertility issues and neurodevelopmental disorders as well as childhood asthma, despite their use in a wide variety of products. "The levels of these compounds...
By Pandora Dewan | Newsweek |
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