Painted Lady butterfly

2019-20 Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant awards

The 2019-20 Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant awards will help 18 students from seven UC campuses conduct field studies at NRS reserves. These are the four UCR grant recipients: UC Riverside CNAS grant recipients 2019-2020: Matthew Green Sierra Nevada Aquatics Research Lab Landscape Biodiversity in Alpine Lake-Stream Networks UC Riverside 2019-2020 Elijah Hall White Mountain...
By Kathleen Wong | UC Natural Reserve System |
David Reznick (c) UCR

UCR biologist receives Humboldt Research Award

David Reznick, a distinguished professor of biology at UC Riverside, has been awarded a Humboldt Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany. The foundation recognizes top scientists and scholars from around the world at different stages in their careers. Award winners are invited to conduct research of their choice in Germany in...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR |
Dr. Isgouhi Kaloshian (c) UCR

UC Riverside scientist Isgouhi Kaloshian joins 2019 class of AAAS fellows

In recognition of her pioneering work on plants’ immunity to pests, Isgouhi Kaloshian, chair of the Department of Nematology, has been elected as a fellow to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, or AAAS. Kaloshian’s work focuses on plants’ innate ability to protect themselves from two types of pests: nematodes, which attack plants’...
By Jules Bernstein | Inside UCR |
Geology Field Camp (c) UCR / Nic Barth

New UCR geology course earns national recognition

The Geological Society of America, or GSA, recognizes the academic excellence of only one university in the country each year, and this year, that honor goes to UC Riverside. The GSA/ExxonMobil Field Camp Excellence Award is given to universities running a geology field camp, which is the last class geology students typically take before graduating...
By Jules Bernstein | Inside UCR | | Featured
Professors Bartels and Balandin (c) UCR

Data-driven discovery of one-dimensional materials

Balandin and Bartels receive $1.12 million grant to discover new van der Waals materials Alexander Balandin, a distinguished professor of electrical and computer engineering at UC Riverside and Ludwig Bartels, a professor of chemistry, have received a $1.12 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to conduct data-driven discovery, synthesis, and characterization of a...
By Holly Ober | Inside UCR | | Featured
Prof. Mary Droser (c) UCR

UCR paleontologist wins prestigious prize

Mary Droser, a decorated paleontology professor, now has another accolade to her name. She is the winner of the 2019 Moore Medal in Paleontology awarded by the Society for Sedimentary Geology. More than 2,700 geoscientists belong to the society, which exists to help members share research with one another and enhance public awareness of the...
By Jules Bernstein | Inside UCR | | Featured
Danielle Steveneson, Etox PhD student, in Greenhouse 8

Elite Food and Agriculture Research fellowship goes to UCR doctoral student

UC Riverside Environmental Toxicology doctoral student Danielle Stevenson is one of only 17 people nationwide selected as a 2019 Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research, or FFAR, fellow.
By Jules Bernstein | Inside UCR | | Featured

CIFAR awards prestigious fellowships to UCR professors studying fungi

For their proposal to study the dangers and benefits of fungi, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, or CIFAR, has awarded fellowships to two UCR professors, Hailing Jin and Jason Stajich. As CIFAR fellows, Jin and Stajich join a community of researchers that includes 19 Nobel laureates and more than 400 of the world’s most...
By JULES BERNSTEIN | Inside UCR | | Featured
Nathaniel Gabor (c) UCR

White House honors two UCR professors with early career award

Nathaniel Gabor and Suveen Mathaudhu have been awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government for scientists and engineers at the beginning stages of their careers. The White House announced July 3 that Nathaniel Gabor, an associate professor of physics and astronomy, and Suveen Mathaudhu...
By Imran Ghori | Inside UCR | | Featured
Goldwater scholarship recipients

Three students receive Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships

Three UC Riverside undergraduates are among the 2019 recipients of the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, one of the country’s most prestigious and competitive awards in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, or STEM. Four undergraduates were endorsed by UCR for consideration by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, which received...
By Sandra Baltazar Martinez | | Featured
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