Venus phosphine find: Unexplained gas hints at potential for alien life

An unexpected discovery in the clouds of Venus has scientists buzzing.
By Eric Mack, Jackson Ryan | CNET |

CNET - Scientists have spotted something unexpected in the cloud decks of Venus, our nearest planetary neighbor. While no one is saying it's aliens just yet, some sort of alien microorganism is on the list of potential explanations for why a chemical that shouldn't be floating around above the planet has been observed there for the first time. 

Astronomer Stephen R. Kane at the University of California-Riverside, who is also not involved in the work, points out that some research suggests Venus was habitable in the distant past, perhaps over a billion years ago. He suggests that any "biology in the atmosphere could be the last surviving members of a prior Venusian biosphere."

But Kane says there is reason to be skeptical that "life" in the clouds is the best explanation. 

Royal Astronomical Society video: "Phosphine on Venus - Lead scientist Jane Greaves explains the discovery"


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